Monday, September 5, 2011

Building a Cabling Toolkit

Throughout this chapter, a number of tools are discussed, and photos illustrate them. Don't believe for a minute that we've covered all the models and permutations available! This chapter is an introduction to the types of tools you may require, and will help you recognize a particular tool so you can get the one that best suits you. It is impossible for us to determine your exact tool needs. Keeping your own needs in mind, read through the descriptions that follow, and choose those tools that you anticipate using.
Myriad online catalog houses and e-commerce sites sell the tools and parts you need to complete your cabling tool kit. A few of these include:
If you have to scratch and sniff before buying, visit a local distributor in your area. Check your local phone book for vendors such as Anicom, Anixter, CSC, Graybar, and many other distributors that specialize in servicing the voice/data market; many of these vendors have counter sale areas where you can see and handle the merchandise before purchasing.
We can't describe in precise detail how each tool works or all the ways you can apply it to different projects. We'll supply a basic description of each tool's use, but because of the wide variety of manufacturers and models available, you'll have to rely on the manufacturer's instructions to learn how to use a particular device.

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